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Zion National Park from above

The world is at a tipping point; we're at the edge of the volcano looming in. Unmitigated climate change, driven by humankind's excesses, is rapidly and irreversibly bringing human civilization as we know it into question, as our planet retaliates against us. This situation is untenable, and unless rapid and concerted action is taking to mitigate past damages, reverse the impact we've already had, and lessen the burden of future generations, the end game is catastrophic. Esports' role in this goes undiscussed and unaddressed. It is our duty to change that.

We shall be as a City upon a Hill

The climate, and broader ecological, impact of esports is immense, both in real terms as well as in relation to its ability to generate revenues internally. On average, gaming computers are about 6 times as power-consumptive as traditional office computers. And unlike other industries, esports activities are mostly done in the home, which means that EPA reporting is insufficient in describing esports' impact per se. Despite this, little is being done to track power consumption and estimate climate emissions from esports-related activities. The development of domestic esports lounges and arenas poses similar concerns, with the additional concerns of transit and cross-chain emissions.

This is where enters the playing field. Our commitment is first and foremost to a healthful and sustainable esports industry throughout the United States. This means coordinating the industry around a concerted program of reporting, offsetting, removal, reduction, reuse, and recycling. Our priority, then, is to incrementally increase industry participation in climate action over time and to sustain and grow it thereafter. In doing so, we believe we can model local sustainability efforts in this industry and meaningfully contribute to the United Nations' goals of no greater than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit global climate change, a 50% emissions reduction by 2030, and net zero by 2040.

Consistent Reductions towards Net Zero

Visual Demonstration of Year-over-Year Emissions

We are excited to have achieved consistent year-over-year reductions in organizational CO2 emissions from our base year of 2020 through to the most recent reporting year of 2022. We are also excited to have achieved one of our signatoree commitments: reduction of organizational greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. This means that we are well-positioned to achieve net zero by 2040 based on our current reporting strategy.

From 2020 through 2021, we achieved a 32% reduction in carbon emissions, from an estimated 0.173 tCO2e in 2020 to an estimated 0.117 tCO2e in 2021. From 2021 through 2022, we achieved a 51% reduction in carbon emissions, from an estimated 0.117 tCO2e in 2021 to an estimated 0.057 tCO2e in 2022. Beginning with 2023 estimates, we are expanding the greenhouse gasses we cover to include other major gasses covered by the EPA. These are:

  • Carbon Dioxide - CO2

  • Methane - CH4

  • Nitrous Oxide - N2O

  • Carbon Dioxide-equivalent - CO2e

  • Nitrogen Oxides - NOx

  • Sulfur Dioxide - SO2

We are also formally expanding participation in to member clubs of the Amateur Esports Association in 2024. Any other interested esports organizations are welcome to participate, but the reporting tools we have prepared at this time are tailored to organizations with a physical presence, focusing on local esports venues. We will make alternative materials available for other types of organizations prior to 2024 if we receive interest.

Esports organizations that aren't members of the Amateur Esports Association can contact Eliot J. Oreskovic at to discuss interest in participating in If your organization requires alternative materials or reasonable accommodations to fully and meaningfully participate, we will discuss that need at that time. You may also contact the United States Esports Association for reasonable accommodations as described on the Accessibility page of this website for participation in and our other programs and services.

Partnering for Industry-wide Action

Logo of the Race to Zero initiative

We are proud to be the second esports signatory to the Sports for Climate Action Framework and the first esports organization to join the Race to Zero. Through work at home and abroad, we hope to greatly expand the number of esports organizations who are committed to climate action. is a collaboration between the United States Esports Association and the Amateur Esports Association. Aligned by our shared vision for a healthful and sustainable esports ecosystem, we're committed to bringing climate action to esports clubs throughout the country.

Logo of the Amateur Esports Association

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"United States Esports Association" and the broken-circle logo are trademarks of the United States Esports Association.

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